Friday, August 20, 2010

Resolving Conflicts 101

What's so bad about arguing?

First, let me clarify what I mean by the word argue. It is a legal term. In a court of law attorneys make arguments designed to show the guilt or innocence of their client. They present the 'facts' with the attitude, "Any reasonable person would agree with my argument."
What works fairly well in the court room, works poorly in a marriage, because there is no judge available to determine when your spouse is 'out of order'. Arguments become charged with emotion and you end up yelling, screaming, or crying. Each feels the other is unreasonable. What's so bad about arguing? It turns spouses into enemies who have feelings of hurt, anger, and resentment.

Why is it so important to resolve conflicts?

Because unresolved conflicts stand as barriers to marital unity. Conflicts are those issues over which we have differences and we both feel that our side is right. If we don't find a 'meeting place' we become enemies instead of teammates. And, life becomes a battlefield. No one likes to fight. So, sooner or later someone gives up and walks away.
How sad that thousands of marriages end because couples never learn to resolve conflicts. The first step in resolving conflicts is to get out of the "arguing mode" and get into the "understanding mode". Stop trying to win an argument and start trying to understand each other.

Why do people argue?

In one word, rigidity. In essence we are saying, "My way is the right way, and if you don't do it my way, I'll make your life miserable." The arguer insists on getting his own way.
Conflict resolvers have a different attitude. They say, "I'm sure we can work this out in a way that will be positive for both of us. Let's think about it together." They look for a win-win resolution. They begin by respecting each other's ideas and looking for a solution instead of trying to win an argument.
The Scriptures say, "Love does not demand its own way." Actually, love is looking out for the other person's interest. "What would be best for you?" is the question of love.

You will never resolve conflicts if you don't learn to listen.

Many people think they are listening when in fact they are simply reloading their verbal guns. Listening means seeking to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling. It is putting ourselves in the other person's shoes and trying to look at the world through their eyes.
Here's a good sentence with which to begin. "I want to understand what you are saying because I know it is important." One man told me that he made a sign which read: "I am a Listener." When his wife started talking he would hang it around his neck to remind himself of what he was doing. His wife would smile and say, "I hope it's true." He learned to be a good listener.

We are all busy.

Often, too busy to listen. And yet, listening is the only way you will ever come to understand your spouse's thoughts and feelings. Listening takes time and requires focus. Many people pride themselves in being able to listen while reading e-mails or watching television. One husband said, "My wife insists that I sit down and listen to her. I feel like I'm in a straitjacket, like I'm wasting time."
When you drop everything, look at your spouse and listen, you communicate, "You are the most important person in my life." On the other hand, when you listen while doing other things, you communicate: "You are one of my many interests." Listening is a powerful expression of love.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

After a Breakup

Relationship break up can be a very painful experience. Mourning the loss of the relationship for a time is perfectly natural. It is a time to come to terms with your loss so that you can move on to a brighter day. Part of that brighter day will probably involve dating again. After a break up, when should you start dating again? That is different for every person, but here are some questions to consider that help you determine if you are ready to start dating again.

10 actions you can take now.

Fear makes you a prisoner. Fear inhibits you and causes you to lower the bar. Fear is the critical voice in our head saying: “You’ll never make this w ork, you’ll never get on top of this?” Fear is irrational and makes you focus on the worst outcome. We paint pictures of how bad it is going to be and also how powerless we are to act. When we make mistakes, when finances are difficult, when we have made a bad decision and covered it up we become consumed with fear.

Fear speaks failure over our lives and that is a lie!

1. Write down your fears, often they look different in black and white. It is time to get them into perspective. What is the worst that can happen?

2. Are there things that you’re holding back on, are there decisions, actions, things that need to be said? Does fear tell you to put that action off until tomorrow? You have a limited time on this earth. Deadlines are called deadlines for a reason!

3. Little by little. Make a list of three of the smallest actions that you need to do and complete today, they must move you closer to your desired outcome. Pick really easy tasks that you know you can do so that you can build up some momentum. Often when we need to make changes we think of the biggest leap and because it is so big it becomes to overwhelming. Complete three simple easy tasks today.

4. Start asking yourself positive questions. For example, ask “how can I make taking this action a more enjoyable experience?”. Now your brain has something to do! Don’t expect the answer straight away (but be aware of opportunities and situations that provide clues) – but you’re going in the right direction. Get into the habit of asking yourself questions rather than making blanket (negative) statements.

5. Redefine “mistakes” and learn from all experiences. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes you’ve made in the past by being fearful of starting new relationships, jobs etc. That gets you nowhere. Call a mistake an “opportunity for learning” and seek the learning in every “mistake”. A wise mentor of mine once said “if you have a go and fail at least you get an education, what can you learn from doing nothing?”

6. Birds of a feather flock together. Seek the company of supportive people and reduce contact with those who foster feelings of negativity and have a “fearful” approach to life.

7. Read books about people who have succeeded despite the obstacles and look at the principles and qualities behind what they did, their thinking and attitude. Closer to home – seek out role models who represent what you want to become. Learn from their approach and attitude. Become a student of excellence follow people who have achieved what you wish to do.

8. Know that whatever quality you like or admire in someone else is lying dormant in you – waiting to be developed. How else would you recognise it? Make a list of the qualities you most admire in someone else and ask yourself how they can be acknowledged and developed in you.

9. Your past doesn’t have to define your future. Be aware of your past and willing to let go of it. Each day brings a new opportunity to do and think about things differently.

10. List your goals and the actions you need to take to achieve them every day. Every time you do something that brings you a little closer to achieving your goals, you will feel better about yourself and reduce your unnecessary fears. Reduce your fears by focussing on positive outcomes. Reduce your fears by creating forward momentum. Reduce your fears by not accepting the lie.