Friday, April 6, 2012

What is the future of AI: Living with Robots: Can we build a better bot

This is about predicted to be available in like 50 years.

In response to the aging population, Toyota has proposed a business to make caregiving robots. These robots are looked at as partners by the aging. They help in a variety of ways, from walking to balancing assistance. They even move patience around.

That is, they are not intuitive. They can not think outside their programming. They cannot be spontaneous. They do not have self-awareness. They cannot modify or change plans on the spur of the moment.

It is now possible to give a robot skin, so it appears more familiar. This robo-skin would feel more human, as well as its touch would be delicate. When pressure was endured it would feel with bio-sensors. It would actually be able to smile. It would live in a human environment and read and sense non verbal signals. It would have the ability to smile, and express pain.

These could be a sort of caregivers to an extent. These robots will be able check in on a person and make sure they are all right. They will be able to dress up to be more relatable.

A Swedish institute is doing a study on how to make a robot more familiar. These will be able to change outfits and act differently. When they change the client into pajamas, they would slowly go into sleep mode. They will even have a gender specific. Also they would recognise their owners voice and respond to it.