Monday, June 27, 2011


Fear is the most tragic sickness. It starts as anxiety which turns into fear. Then it evolves into hatred. Sometimes it even goes into violence if it is not alleviated. Violence is the hardest to stop. However if it is cought in any of the previous stages it is much easier to eradicate.

We all have the ability to be peaceful or violent in our behaviors. However, sometimes the choice is taken away from us.

The Power is Yours

Every small step you take toward a goal helps in achieving that and unexpected triumphs. It may not seem as if you are accomplishing anything but you are. You help in all that you do.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We answer every unique event that occurs with militarized force.

Each spirit has a magnanimous ship on the ocean of life. The ocean is full of our adventures, interactions, as well as our deeds. This ocean is ever expanding.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 points of Awareness

5 points of Awareness

1) Be aware of your physical body.

2) Be aware of your emotions, allow yourself to feel all your feelings.

3) Be aware of the objects of the mind, allow them to be what they are.

4) Be aware of the mind, allow it to focus on whatever it wants.

5) Be aware of the witnesser of the mind, rest deeply in this pure consciousness.